Monday, September 19, 2011


It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. My days have been so busy lately and I feel like I don’t have enough hours. I’ve been looking for a new place to live, a new car and a new love…well, I’m not actually looking for the latter, just opening myself up for good things to come.

Still, all that searching, plus getting up at 0530 (I have to list it as military time because it’s too early for civilians to get up unless they are crazy…which I am) to go to the gym. By the time I get home from work, I just want to write. My new wip is taking over my brain and all of my free time.

But I’m making myself this promise. I will post at least once a week. Mondays. Unless I have an extra post that simply can not wait. Life is about juggling. I’m trying to toss lots of balls in the air and not drop any. I love blogging so I don’t want this to be one of the balls I drop.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you stay organized. Believe me, it will help.



elfarmy17 said...

Organization: A to-do list (mainly of homework) in a notebook I keep with me all day. And then my Google Calendar.

Karen Denise said...

I'm working on a to-do list. And I'm keeping a calender on my phone. But now I need to come up with ideas to post about. But thanks, Elfarmy, I'll be starting a to-do list of writing, blogging and other writer related things!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Oh, you poor girl! But at least you're writing. That's the most important thing (in this circle anyway- lol!). I'm not really organized at all. I blog when the mood hits me, and if I miss a week, I don't stress about it. I've arrived at this place after long periods of giving myself guilt trips. I just realize sometimes I can't do everything and things like blogging get swept under the rug, and that's okay. But Mondays sound great! I hope it works out for you. :)


Karen Denise said...

Thanks, A.L., I get what you're saying. I think right now, I need structure somewhere other than in my writing. So I'm going to make blogging my structure. I hope it works too! lol.