A few days ago I started trickling out queries. Fifteen! I know for most people fifteen is not a trickle, but when you consider on my last novel I sent out close to one hundred, fifteen is modest.
I’ve received 6 rejections thus far—Ouchie! But the way I’m looking at it is each rejection will clear the way for the right agent to step in. So, from now on, I’ll be sending out one query—to a well researched agent—for every rejection I receive. This is keeping my attitude positive. I realized, I thrive on that hope of hearing that ding on my Blackberry, hitting the button, seeing it’s indicating an email to my gmail account and then opening that to find a request from Mr. or Ms. Dream Agent.
Giving up is not an option. I mean, what else would I do if I gave up writing? Sit and drool in a corner? No, that’ll never do.
Tell me, how do you keep yourself motivated? Are you in Query Hell right now and is there anything I can do to help you?
I'm in query hell, too. I've got a couple rejections so far but then this morning I got a request. While the rejections suck, the requests more than make up for it...that is until the requests turn into rejections again but I won't think about that now.
I'm jumping into query hell next month. I've had two partial requests--not bad for not querying yet--but I'm definitely not looking forward to going through the process again. Hopefully, though, this novel is a lot strong (like a thousand times stronger) than my last one (i.e. the version I queried at the beginning of the year before the massive rewrites).
Good luck, Karen! Hopefully I see you in Agentedland soon.
Yay Nicole!! Good luck with it! And you're right, don't think on the rejection, because this partial can turn into a full and the full can turn into THE CALL!!!
Keep us posted :-D.
Thanks Stina! And good luck to you too! How in the world did you land to requests without querying? Was if from conferences? Do tell :-).
Good luck Karen! I remember Query Hell well... if I can survive it, you can too! Sending you good vibes.
Thanks Jennifer! I'll take all the good vibes I can get!!
It only takes one! Query hell sucks, so good luck, Karen!
And good luck to everyone else in query hell. The sweaty palms are the worst.
Thanks Tere!
Yep. I am there. Haven't sent out any new ones in awhile (really should get on that), though. I'm almost out of email-able ones on my immediate Likely list, so I need to get my hands on some envelopes.
Welcome to hell, Elfarmy17! The water's HOT. I've only smail mailed 2 thus far, and I'm hoping not many more will want me to kill trees. But I will if it'll get me an agent! LOL.
Oh how exciting! I hope it all goes well for you. Keep the positiveness flowing :)
Thanks Tabitha! Keep your fingers crossed for me and all the other authors out there trying to land that dream agent.
It's an exciting time for you, so enjoy - and good luck!
Thanks, Tracy!
Yep, swimming in the seas of slush with you. Personally, I've gone with the hit send and then move on. It does keep me motivated to just not think about the waiting and trying to bury myself in new projects or non-writerly stuff. Easier said than done, but I'm getting better.
Good luck!
I love your attitude Karen Denise. Query hell all right. I like WindyA's attitude too..:)
Way to go, girlie! Sending out those queries is just the first step. Be strong and don't give up no matter what.
I'm right there with you! With my first novel, I was pulling my hair out, checking email twenty times a day, all with no reward. I was obsessed and it took over my life! It was ridiculous! But I've since moved on. I'm currently submitting for my second novel and while I wait for that, I'm working on other projects. My focus is on them. I've only submitted this one to about 7 agents and have a couple rejections, but if that call or email comes, I'll be ready with another book in hand :) Good luck. Don't stress :)
I emailed you regarding Backspace: The Writer's Place -- for real, not spam. ;) I used a gmail address I saw in an old post. I'm the editor and would love to include you in our blog. Look for the email from backspace.amy.nathan@gmail.com.
A little (okay, a lot late) for commenting, but I so, SO sympathize, and just your sentence "Giving up is not an option" has given me a little psychological boost. (I really needed one, so many thanks.) :D
Better late than never Badger! And check out my post for today if you're in need of more of a boost. :-)
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